
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Crazy, but true........and a GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!

I won two more giveaways this week!  I won a FQ bundle of Remix from Fat Quarterly's Facebook page (check them out!) and I won a Kona color card from Karrie.  This puts my giveaway win total around 20 for this year.  Is that crazy or what?!?!?  I've won some truly fabulous prizes and I get so excited for each and every win.  What's the point you ask?  Well, I've decided to have a (small) giveaway of my own!  I can't keep winning things and never give anything away, right?  I know it's not as exciting as some other giveaways, but I'm a newbie and my stash is relatively small (I swear!)  Here's what you could win:

4 FQs of somewhat randomly selected fabric from my stash
  1. My Happy Garden by Cloud 9 (Dots)
  2. Modern Meadow by Joel Dewberry (Flower Fields)
  3. Summer in the City by Urban Chicks (Houndstooth)
  4. My Happy Garden by Cloud 9 (Mushrooms)
5 Hexies of Flea Market Fancy seeds.  Aren't they cute?

11" square of Heather Ross goldfish in bags

You can enter 2 times.  1) Comment with the name of your favorite song to listen to while working out.  I'm trying to get motivated to run and I could use some new tunes on my iPod.  No slow stuff please!  2) If you follow my blog/become a follower, leave a comment saying that!  You MUST do one of these two things, or both.


ALSO, if I get over 100 entries (doubtful), I'll giveaway a second prize!

I'll pick a winner on Halloween morning so you have until then to enter.  Mom, I know you're just dying to win some fabric, but try and restrain yourself from entering. ha ha!


  1. I love "Hella Good" by No Doubt. Great workout song!

  2. And I am already a loyal follower.

  3. how about "like a G6" you know that song? Thats upbeat for sure..makes me want to move.

  4. Im a follower...oh faithful leader....on and how in the world do you win 20 giveaways...wanna share with me? I won 2 (well 3 if you count the one I never even got)

  5. I love It's a Beautiful Day by U2-I pretty much stick to oldies! I will have to say I have won 1 giveaway this year & it was like the seventh prize & something I received electronically & have no use for!

  6. You know I'm a follower! I couldn't believe your win... and I only knew about the one! dang girl.

  7. I'm trying to get to working out myself...but I have nothing new... but I really like workin gout to this song called "punchlines" by Mates of State.

  8. My new song to get me moving is Fly like a G6 by the Far East Movement. I have it looping on my ipod while I walk. Anything by Lady GaGa or the Ting Tings is good workout music too. I impressed that your Mom reads your blog! Mine keeps "forgetting" how to get to mine despite the icon placed conveniently on her screen. Hmmmm.....

  9. I'm a follower! And congrats on your super cool wins lately.

  10. You are very lucky--I have never won anything! I'll keep trying; thanks for the giveaway!

  11. I'm a follower :)
    You are so lucky! I've won one giveaway, but 20?! Wow!

  12. For working out I like listening to trance music like Darude's "Sandstorm"

  13. I like Copa Cabana by Barry Manilow..Please let me win this fabric! he,he

  14. Ohhhh!!!!! I have no seeds!!!!!

    Must have fabric!!! LOL!!!

    Great giveaway!!!

  15. hi Kelly,
    I swim, and haven't sprung for an aqua ipod thing yet, so for now my workouts are dead silent.

    Even stranger, when I do get one, I'll be listening to....books! I love listing to audiobooks when I work out becuse I get so distracted by the book I forget I'm exercising.

    Dork = me. I know.

  16. I am already follower..haha :)

  17. To walk to, I like Celebration because it has strong beat and it makes me speed walk. But now that i am totally getting into Zumba, I am really liking any hispanic stuff. ;)

  18. I like to listen to "Dirty Little Secret" by the All-American Rejects.
    Thanks for the giveaway - I can't believe how many you have won!!!!

  19. I listen to a lot of Podcasts on my ipod. They make me forget about the time and I tend to walk for longer just to hear the end of the podcast! Thanks for the giveaway -- I've almost given up on winning something but it sounds like you're doing really well!

  20. I'm more of a laid back Coldplay/Radiohead kinda gal, but the most kick*** running song in the world is Knights of Cydonia by Muse. I finished a 5K under my goal time by listening to that song on repeat pretty much the whole time, haha!

  21. And I already follow you in Google Reader!

  22. I've been a follower for some time now. =)

  23. I used to like to listen to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack when I worked out. I need to get motivated and start exercising again though.

  24. OMG how cute are those Hexies! On of my favs to work out to....Butterfly by Crazy Town...helps me think *skinnY*

  25. and I am happily a follower :-)

  26. Congratulations on all the wins! What fun! And thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

    I follow your blog.

  27. What about Eye of the Tiger...from Rocky. :)


  28. I ran with my dog Lottie to 'The Cave' by Mumford and Sons on my IPOD-so good for pounding the streets!- Hard not to sing along as you run!

  29. What a great giveaway! I guess I would have to say anything by Dave Matthews. He gets me going! Oh, and I am a follower.

  30. This is an AWESOME giveaway! I really enjoy listening to the Black Eyed Peas when I workout... they have a lot of fun songs that make you want to dance.. one that comes to mind is "Let's Get It Started"
    I REALLY hope I win! I love EVERYTHING there! :)

  31. I've been following you through Google Reader, but now I'm an 'official' follower! I really enjoy your blog! (and I MUST have those goldfish & all the other FABULOUS fabric!) :D

  32. Workout, what's a workout?? It has been way too long since I have worked out and when I did/do, I am usually watching tv while on the elliptical (so no fun tunes to rec to you). :)

    What a fun giveaway Kelly! And that's crazy that you have won so many giveaways!!

    wilke [at] lulubloom [dot] com

  33. And I'm a follower of your blog. :)

    wilke [at] lulubloom [dot] com

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. I just became a follower. I love your fabric choices!

  36. I use Podrunner and Groovelectric for my workouts and general hula hooping. Search iTunes or Google for those two names - they're both free subscribable podcasts.

    And I LOVE the goldfish fabric! I saw jammies made of it at some store, far too expensive for me or I'd be wearing them RIGHT NOW!

    (oh yeah - bldrnrpdx (at) aol (dot) com.

  37. hey so old school...i listen to bob segar while working out...i love his old music! all of it.
    i like your wallpaper on the blog!

  38. I love "What are you waiting for" Gwen Stefani. :)
    Thanks for the chance!!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I am a follower!

  41. wow you've been lucky this year, good for you!!! yeah, i need to start working out regularly at the gym myself, and as ironic as it may sound, my gym actually puts the food network on and i watch that while i work out, LOL! thanks for the giveaway!

  42. Love the golfish! By the way, I want to touch you so some of your luck will rub off on me!

  43. for some strange reason I was not a follower yet. But I am now!

  44. workout song? that would imply that I workout! Didn't I just tell you that I wish my house had stairs so that I could justify that as working out?

    But I do love the Black Eyed Peas song "Let's get it started" not cool enough to know whether that is the actual title but those are the hook words. It definitely gets you moving!

  45. I'm a follower! And 20 giveaway wins?!?! I'm speechless! And jealous! LOL!

  46. When I run I love to listen to the band Muse and most of the songs off their album Absolution (especially Time is Running Out) and their newest album The Resistence (except for the last 3 songs which are instrumental).

    Good luck getting motivated!!

  47. My treadmill time always starts with "Bulletproof" by La Roux... also like Mika's "Love Today"...and of course, Madonna!

  48. and i'm a follower in google reader

  49. My workout mix is rather eclectic...I think that's part of what keeps me interested. But some of my favourites are "Courtship Dating" by Crystal Castles, "Destroy Everything You Touch" by Ladytron, and "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West. Oh, and "Alphabet Aerobics" by Blackalicious is a great way to finish, because it gets faster and faster and faster.

    I hope this helps!

  50. Wow...20 wins! Lucky you! I've won 3 this year, and I thought I was doing well. :)

    I'm following you, now, so hopefully some of your luck rubs off on me!

  51. Hey Kelly,

    Thanks so much for the chance to win! You do seem to have amazing giveaway-luck:)

    I jog on the treadmill in front of the TV, but maybe:

    The Verve: Love is Noise
    The Fall: Rowche Rumble
    Call Me Poupee: a couple of songs from their album (you can discover them here:

    To make matters worse, my brother suggests Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. So maybe I'm not the best person to ask!:)

  52. Wow, LOVE these prizes! I can't believe you have won that many!! You are super lucky! I watch tv while on the treadmill or when I listen to music I listen to pandora so they pick the songs for me - sorry - not very much help from me!

  53. Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) by Pink is a great song to run to. Thanks for the opportunity!

  54. Andes Mountian music is really great to walk to and little bit out side the box.

  55. Wow! 20 wins so far? You have got some great luck! Thanks for sharing with this giveaway too.

    It's an older song, but "Kerosene" by I think Miranda Lambert is a really good song during a workout. I don't listen to much country anymore, but this is an exception.

  56. Hmm, I like working out to Home for a Rest by Spirit of the West. I can't believe how many giveaways you've won!! I'm Strawberrylicious on Flickr. Thanks for the chance.

  57. I love running to YMCA--yes I know. But it is fun and the looks you get when you actually stop to do the YMCA is priceless.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. It's hard to pick just one song, but I love moving around to 'Dance and Shout' by Shaggy. thanks so much for the great giveaway!

  59. and i'm also a follower of your blog!

  60. Okay, I have to admit I'm not a big worker outer. But the first song that came to mind is Eminem Business, lol. It's hard not to feel energized when that songs on.

  61. And I'm a follower in google reader.
