
Monday, July 18, 2011

The Fabric Devil and My Trip to Nashville

The Fabric Devil made me do it!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!  Come on, there must be a fabric devil out there!  He sneaks up on unsuspecting crafters and hits them over the head with his evil fabric pitch fork and forces them to buy tons of stuff!  Well, it's either that or someone ordered a boatload of fabric in my name!  What other explanation is there for what I came home to after 5 days away:
Geez!  I'm not sure what happened here!  I got solids, Kei dots in three colors (thanks Mom!), Habitat, 1001 Peeps, Metro Kitchen, It's A Hoot in twill, Prince Charming, Tailor Made, Heather Ross, FMF, Alexander Henry, Summer in the City, loads of fun scraps from Gabrielle, Echino, purse frames and glue, thread, and a rainbow of pearl cotton.  OOOPS!  My hubby about had a heart attack when he saw all this laying on the dining table.  Granted, some of this is swaps (the FMF, AH, SITC, and fun scraps), but still.  Yikes!  Even I was a little ashamed!  Oh well.  What's done is done.  P.S.  A good bit of this came from and I know that a lot of people have issues with them (poor/no real folding technique, sent wrong fabric, etc.), but honestly, at 30% off with free shipping, they can have a blind dog cut, pack, and ship my fabric and I wouldn't care!  Some deals are too good to pass up!

Now for pictures from my trip to Nashville!  We did more than go to the zoo, but somehow, I forgot to snap pictures of almost anything else!
Look!  Monkeys!

Nonna and Roarke


It's a meerkat, Mama! 

Um, yeah, so I saw this and thought, "It's a quilt!"  I have a sickness.

I had to use the zoom on this one because no way was I getting close!  This is a hissing cockroach!  I'm terrified of roaches.  I can handle almost any other bug or animal, but not those.  *shudder*

Those weird, thin twig looking things are actually part of an electrical fence

Zebra butts! :)

I'm always surprised at the color of flamingos! 

They only had one animal out to pet in the petting zoo!  What a bummer!  This goat saw a lot of action though!

A yard long Icee with unlimited refills.  This made everyone's day!

Nonna and Roarke were best pals on this trip!

Cian kept holding out his hand for my camera because he thought it was my iPod and he wanted to play.  

Stink face at the zoo.

We only got a single stroller for Cian, but Roarke got hot and tired so he had to ride too. I don't blame him!  If there had been room I would have crawled in there too!

Giraffes are my favorite!

We also went house hunting!  We think we're going to build something like this!

Or maybe this!  We aren't sure yet, but building seems to be the way to go.  That way, we get everything we want!
Or maybe craftsman?

Dang.  I love a porch though!

I did check out one fabric store while I was in Nashville (Fabric Textiles), but holy cow!  Their prices are higher than I have seen ANYWHERE!  They do have a nice selection of modern fabric, but there is simply no way to justify that kind of markup! (think over $12/yard for regular quilting cotton!)  They did just have an amazing sale at the end of June where everything was 50% off.  My mom got me three colors of Kei dots (see picture above) for $10/yard, but just think, that means they retail for $20/yard!  What?!?!?  Insanity!  Anywho, I'm sure we'll be making more trips to Nashville since we are pretty sure we're moving there once hubby gets out of the Military (next summer).  


  1. Wow! You are seriously going to build one like those? I'm coming to visit then! You know...just so I can check out the prices of that fabric store and confirm that they are high. ;)

  2. Ahhh so that's where all that habitat print went! ;] I had it in my cart & it disapperared!! Glad it went to a good home!!

  3. Add me to the list of fans! I don't care how it's folded either... because they always cut generously and, hello... free shipping! :)

    Build that house -- and I say quilting retreat at Kelly's! :)

    Cute pics of the boys... Cian is looking so much like his daddy these days! :)

  4. Cotton prices have been climbing for some time and are set to go up significantly in the fall. Most of the new lines coming out from the quality companies will be around $11 per yard online. There's an explanation here:

  5. Andrea, I'm responding here since you are a no-reply commenter: Yes, I've read that, but these have been their prices for a while. They have old lines priced that high. I would feel differently if it were new items, but I've been to almost 20 brick and mortar stores in the past few months and I've never run across any prices that high!

  6. Wow! That is quite the haul. I'll be watching for some fabulous projects from your place in the next few months. Good luck building. Those houses are gorgeous.

  7. So glad you had a fun trip here. I refuse to shop at Textile Fabrics for a couple of reasons. Their prices are ridiculous. They have been pricing Moda at about $13/yard for at least 18 months. I also find that their employees are not very helpful. I don't think they really do much business with the quilting community here... mostly dressmakers, so I think that's how they justify their prices. Fear not, though my friend, there are many other great quilt shops to be explored here.

  8. If you move to Nashville, do you think you will casually run into AMH while you are fabric shopping??

  9. Um HELLO! I will be totally jealous if you buy or build one of those houses! They are the cutest houses ever!!!!

    Looks like you had fun a the zoo. I am with you...would NEVER touch those roaches. I have a roach phobia! They really creep me out and I scream like a baby when I see them!

    Glad you had fun! Wish you were moving to Texas, but I dont blame you for moving to Nashville, I heard that it is beautiful there!

  10. We always say that our orders were folded by angrey monkeys, but I don't care what they do since, as you say, they charge so little and ship free/fast!

  11. I prefer to think of your devil as my guardian angel who steers me into good buys or what I want! I agree with you on & similar. I don't care how it's folded either when the price is right!

  12. There has to be a fabric devil! I think he pays me a every other week.

  13. What a haul!!!!!!!
    I am too jealous to focus on the animal and house pics, sorry!

  14. The last time we went on vacation, I came home to a pile like that. My neighbor was getting our mail while we were away, and he gave me such a hard time about it! I think the thought I was addicted to the Home Shopping network or something. This is totally different. :)

    Fun family pictures! Nashville would be a great place to live.

  15. If you ever get the chance you should go to Whittles Fabrics in a tiny town called Smith's Grove in south central Kentucky. I think it's not too far from TN. A friend and I drove 4 hours one way to go and thought we had died and gone to heaven. Newer lines at 6.50 a yard and older ones at 3.00 to 4.50. Batiks for 5.00. Mostly top quality lines, although I didn't notice much Moda. They also sell online but have a much bigger selection and better prices in the store. Take cash or checks. Plan to spend some time. Oh, and don't be fooled by the plain building -- there are treasures inside!

  16. Lol, I had a haul like that when I got back from holiday last week. No wonder my flatmate refused to keep going to the sorting office to pick it up!

    Don't ever move to the UK though, quilting cotton here is normally at least £11-12/metre in shops (ie, $18-$19/metre). They're not too big on sales either...

  17. Yep, I'll pencil in the calendar for a road trip to your new house for a quilting weekend :) I hope Chad doesn't mind the invasion of all your long lost quilty friends!

  18. "but honestly, at 30% off with free shipping, they can have a blind dog cut, pack, and ship my fabric and I wouldn't care!" AMEN!!!!! i snickered at this comment and then laughed out loud when i saw the zebra butts!

  19. hah, a blind dog!! I am a fan, I have never had problms with long shipping and the one time I received fabric with a dirt spot on it, they replaced the whole yardage!
    The houses are all gorgoeus, but woman you better get sewing if you are moving next summer!! You keep building the stash and you will have to build your own sewing room :)

  20. Nashville IS a great place to live! I shop at Textile Fabrics ONLY during the 50% off sale...they have a lot of designers to the (country music) stars who shop there and AMH does go on and on about how great the store all my fabric shopping and running around Smashville, I have never run into her....although my best friend used to work with her hubby and we have emailed a few times. My longarm quilter raves about Whittles and makes a few trips a year. She comes back with lots of designer fabric for less than $5 a yard. There is also a stuffed to the gills quilting fabric store in Franklin, Stitchers Garden, which I love, but many people can't stand how cramped and OVERRUN with fabric it is...some think the owner is a little snooty as well. But you really can find the most amazing online fabric stores and never need to leave your house. (said the lady who just drove cross-country and stopped at EVERY quilting store from LA to Memphis - all total 20+ yards of fabric- we spend a few days in Las Vegas going to quilt stores, not the strip)

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