
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Triangles and Squares Make Great Gifts!

Triangle quilt all done and ready to be shipped--it's a surprise gift! Shhhh!
I finished my triangle quilt!  I forgot to get real pictures before I sent it off though!  Doh!  This is a gift for a good friend (I can't say who until she receives it!)  I used an equilateral triangle ruler with a base of 6.5" unfinished to make the triangles.  I quilted it with concentric circles using my walking foot and a bar guide.  It stinks the first 2 or 3 circles when you're turning the whole quilt under your machine, but after that it gets really easy!  For the backing I used an IKEA fabric that I adore!  It's a bit wider than quilting cotton so I didn't have to piece the back!  The quilt finished 50-something" by 60-something".  I didn't take a real measurement, sorry!

I don't have a great method for sewing triangles together.  I'm more of the "better done than perfect" philosophy so sometimes the points look great and other times.....not so much.  I don't really stress about perfection in my piecing--this is a hobby; it's supposed to be fun people!  If I really want something perfect, I paper piece it!

Sometimes I need to make a block for no reason! #sewforfun
I started watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix (OMG! so many cuties in that show!) and decided to randomly fussy cut some squares to pass the time while I drooled over the actors.  Of course it ended up a rainbow!

16" pillow for @euphoria_jessica done!!! Happy housewarming!
I decided to make this into a pillow for my friend, Jessica, who recently moved to Portland.  It seemed just her style and every new house needs some Heather Ross rainbow-goodness!


  1. I love that triangle quilt and the way you quilted in circles is too cute. I started watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix, too...there definitely are some cuties on there (even if I'm old enough to be their grandma!) LOL

  2. i love them both, but the colors you chose for the triangles quilt are just gorgeous. i really like the quilting too.

  3. Oh seriously, those triangles had me at hello...

  4. So, so pretty! I love everything from the triangles to the quilting to the backing :D

  5. That triangle quilt is one of my faces. And Vamp Diaries? You know how I feel about that. So glad you are getting sucked in, we have to chat and drool together. lol!

  6. Your probably in my top three favorite blog now... I love your style, your pictures always makes me wanna make a tone of projects. Your quilts are very nice, good job!

  7. great gifts indeed! The triangle person will love it... you're such a good friend! And the pillow is so cute too!

  8. Those are just TOOO cute for words! Love your fabric choices!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  9. i am totally with you on the "better done than perfect" philosophy for hobbies. only other quilters will notice mistakes; everyone else is amazed you can sew at all! love your project. i just got a triangle ruler, so i am a little nervous to hear that having the ruler doesn't mean all the pieces magically line up for you!

  10. Love your triangles! And the quilting is perfect!

  11. This is great! I love the quilting, I want to try this so bad. You just gave me the inspiration to go for it :)

  12. What a pretty triangle quilt! I like your "better done than perfect" slogan. So true!

  13. too crazy kelly! i just zipped thru the 3 seasons of vampire diaries on netflix myself. so much drammmmma! but yes...sugar sweet on the eyes!

    great new projects! i really like the triangles


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