I've been hard at work lately between gifts and finishing up custom orders! One of my favorite go-to gifts are these voile/velveteen infinity scarves! Anna Maria Horner has a great tutorial on her blog, though I use different measurements since I find hers a bit bulky. For mine, I use one yard of voile and one yard of velveteen to get TWO scarves. I cut two pieces of velveteen 13"x36" then sew together along the 13" end to get a 13"x72"ish piece. Repeat with the voile. Then follow Anna Maria Horner's instructions! Well, I also sort of cheat and machine stitch everything closed with invisible thread. Shhhhhh! Don't tell anyone I'm too lazy to hand stitch!

Then I put all the scarves in some totes I got on clearance at Old Navy. Voila! Teacher gifts!

I also finished this quilt, which has been partially quilted for months, and gave it to my friend,
Ryan, because he's cool and I just felt like giving it away. :)
Jessie made me this mini dresden forever ago and I finally found the perfect frame for it……after I painted the matting that awesome color! Can't wait to hang this up!

A few more boxy bags for gifts!

Some Liberty Christmas trees as gifts for special ladies!