I'm going to do my best not to make this post too sappy, so forgive me in advance if I fail. I found out around a year ago that my friend Angela was designing a fabric line. I was secretly thrilled I was one of the few people who got to peek in on her process: agonizing on which prints were best, indecision on exactly what shade of blue was just the right one, etc. I was {almost} as excited as she was when Windham Fabrics picked up her line, Curious Dream! I mean, come on! This is the same fabric company that has artists like Heather Ross and Lotta Jansdotter! It is unbelievably rewarding to witness a friend's dream come true. I am so proud of her and all the hard work that went into this collection, inspired by Alice in Wonderland. I HIGHLY recommend browsing her stunning look book for this collection. It is jaw dropping!
So what happens when one of your good friends designs a fabric collection? You get mail like this!!!! Then you realize you actually have to open the bundle and cut the pretty, pretty fabric...... drat! I'm not going to lie, the timeline for the blog hop wasn't great for me. I had my own deadline for 9 (yes, NINE) quilts to complete, but I was not going to miss out on a chance to create something with this beautiful collection and SHOUT about how stinkin' happy I am for Angela!!! She always teases me about how fast I am so I needed to live up to the hype! I created 3 different projects with Curious Dream!
First up is a simple patchwork pouch. I love making little pouches like this! You don't need much fabric and it's a fun way to showcase the entire collection, especially that little rabbit who is a personal favorite of mine.
Hi sweet rabbit!!!
Next is a Jane Market bag. This is a classic grocery tote shape and always a huge hit as a gift around the holidays.
I am OBSESSED with the Alice patchwork print! Hello bags and backing!!!
I used it here as the middle accent pocket and used another Windham collection, Twilight, for the navy print in the body of the bag.
For the lining I used two of the lock/heart lock prints.
For the straps I used one of the "key" prints. Love the lock and key theme!!!
Last up is a mini quilt. I thought what could be more "Alice" than a wonky 9 patch!
This being the real world, I will admit I messed up my 9 patch shuffle in my excitement to finish, but I love the results all the same!
Now, for the fun part!!! I'm giving away a FAT QUARTER BUNDLE of Curious Dream!!!! All you have to do is leave a comment. Maybe tell Angela how awesome her fabric is. Just a suggestion! :) If you want to enter another giveaway, hop on over to my IG account @kelbysews to enter for a chance to win one of the items I made with Curious Dream!
Thank so much for joining me on the blog hop! Be sure to catch all the stops for more fun Curious Dream projects and more giveaways!
Curious Dream Blog Hop Stops
Monday, December 12th – Windham Fabrics: https://windhamfabrics.wordpress.com/
Winners announced Friday, December 23rd!
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Tuesday , December 13th – Kelly Bowser –Kelly Sews http://www.kelbysews.com/
Wednesday, December 14th – Brooke Sellmann- Silly Mama Quilts http://www.sillymamaquilts.com/
Thursday, December 15th - Wendy Sheppard -Ivory Spring https://ivoryspring.wordpress.com/
Friday, December 16th – Becca Bryan – Bryan House Quilts http://bryanhousequilts.com/
Saturday, December 17th – Chris Dodsley- Made by ChrissieD http://madebychrissied.blogspot.com/
Sunday December 18th – Aurifil - https://auribuzz.wordpress.com/
Monday, December 19th- Jennie- Clover & Violet http://www.cloverandviolet.com/
Tuesday, December 20th – Stephanie Kendron – Modern Sewciety http://www.modernsewciety.com/
Wednesday, December 21st – Joanne from The Fat Quarter Gypsy – http://www.thefatquartergypsy.com
Monday, December 22nd – Heidi Staples – Fabric Mutt http://fabricmutt.blogspot.com/
Friday, December 23rd – Round up post at Windham Fabrics https://windhamfabrics.wordpress.comWinners announced Friday, December 23rd!
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