Friday, February 24, 2012

Don't Hate Me!

This all started on Instagram when I posted this picture:
Goal: to quilt & bind 3 quilts tonight! The top one is already quilted!
I had just basted these three baby quilts and I had a goal to quilt and bind them in one night.  Then came all the comments about how fast I am--I seem to get this comment a lot.  I don't feel I'm particularly fast.  I usually make simply pieced quilt and I machine stitch my binding so I think that accounts for a lot of the speediness.  I'm certainly not one of these people that stay up late quilting!  If I stay up past 11pm it's a late night!  
The 10 min FMQ quilt
Then I decided to video tape the third quilt I free motion quilted to see if I really was going that fast.....and apparently I was!  I managed to quilt this 36" square quilt in less than 10 minutes!  Here is the video proof.

I think everyone has a part of the quilting process that they're good at, or at least feel the most comfortable with, free motion quilting is mine.  I did have someone ask if I've ever sewn over my finger and the answer is no. :)  Not yet!  I'm pretty aware of where my hands and needle are at all times, even if it doesn't look like it!
Success! 3 quilts basted,quilted,& bound in one evening!
In case you were wondering, I did manage to finish quilting and binding all three quilt between the hours of 7pm-1030pm with a few breaks.  I'll show you guys the finished quilts when I can get some day light pictures.

So, what's your quilty talent?  Please share!


Angela said...

I don't hate you! I'm proud of you. You can accomplish anything!

You have powers of super focus. I think I stop and smell the roses for a while I'm putting my things together.

**nicke... said...

oh kelly, i could never hate you. i am jealous of your amazing time management and fmq skills!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

what they said -- we could never hate you Kelly! :) I think you just have good stick-to-it-ive-ness. :) I'll watch the video later... maybe then I'll be jealous. ;)

Katie B said...

I don't hate! I'm in awe of your quilty prowess. And a bit jealous of your skillz.

Jenny said...

i am such a lolly-gagger! i wish i had a 10th of your focusing power to finish a job from start to finish!

for me, i do not enjoy free motion quilting...ok, ive never really given it a try...but still! id much rather be cutting and piecing fabric!

Katy Cameron said...

Wow! Mine isn't quilting lol Err, I think it's paper piecing, I can paper piece things with a ridiculous number of wee pieces, but not yet at breakneck speed ;o)

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

I don't hate you - but bloody hell!

Jan said...

You go girl! I have not quilty talent, I just plod along and have fun creating.

Have you considered turning off word verification? It's the pits.

Linda said...

Ok so I don't hate you but I am Über jealous! Please share your tips as I am still struggling to not get those little eye lashes on the back of my quilts.

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

In the video, i saw no basting did you do that and have it come out so smooth without basting. And how do you machine sew your binding? I have tried it and i didn't like how you could see the stitch line on the front. And you are pretty awesome at that!!!!

Jen said...

Ack!!! It only took about 10 seconds into the video to see how crazy fast you are!! Do you believe us now? Basting spray definitely works in your favor (I want to try but have nowhere to use it); awesome! And no quilting gloves either? Do you have a stitch regulator? Girl, that is definitely your super talent...and of course none of us hate you for it!!

beth said...

Holy awesomeness! Your video was great! (I watched the whole thing!) I love how you keep you hands to close to the area being sewn - I think I tend to move slower and keep my hands farther away (fear?) but I'm dying to try your method. My stippling is also tighter and I'd like to loosen it up to make the quilting go even faster. Do you have a supreme slider under there? Can I ask what machine you have?

stefanie said...

I think it's awesome. Are you spray basting now? I'm still using pins, but am wondering if i shouldn't give spray basting a try. I'm just worried it will make an awful mess in my studio. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Cascade Quilts said...

wow. just. wow. I think I'm gonna have to take a second look at spray basting! what do you use?

Lisa said...

Yes spray basting lessons please. I used it once with no success and had a big mess on my floor. Also I really just need to get a new machine. That's why quilting takes me so long. Love the video. I'd just be happy with time to sew right now. Two jobs and school = no sewing fun :( only a few more months though. I'll live vicariously through you until then.

Svetlana said...

Wow, you really are fast, good for you. I'm awful at FMQ, I always end up doing straight line quilting. Your quilts look beautiful!!!

honeyguide said...

I'm new to sewing in general so I'm pretty slow at everything. I'm really hoping I start to pick up speed as I become more comfortable.

Prof. S (the enchanted bobbin) said...

It's so interesting to see someone else FMQing, start to finish. The first thing I noticed is that you're going backwards -- well, not really, but the opposite direction than I do: I always start at a top edge, with most of the quilt starting on my lap, because I find that there's more strain on the thread when I'm moving the quilt towards me rather than away from me. But that doesn't seem to be an issue for you (no breakage!). What thread are you using?

Live a Colorful Life said...

This was fascinating. I will probably watch it again. I have never done any meander quilting and for some reason I have it in my head that you aren't a "real" FMQ until you can conquer that. I'm always afraid I will get "stuck."

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