Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Traveling Stash Giveaway!!!!

I was lucky enough to win a box of goodies from Staci (the confused quilter).  It's a box filled with random fabric, notions, books, etc called the Traveling Stash.  You can read more about it here.  I thought this was such a cute idea!  If you win the box, you can remove whatever you like and add items from your own stash before you pass it along!  Now here is where things get interesting, when I received the box, there wasn't much in it that was my style.  The box was filled with more traditional fabric and patterns so I had an idea--I'll donate almost all the items in the box to my local quilt guild and fill the box with more modern fabric and patterns from my own stash!  So here is a sample of what's in the box now:
I will probably be adding more fabric and patterns to this, but I want to keep some things a surprise!  In the box now is Amy Butler home dec, Ikea home dec, Heather Ross, Denyse Schmidt, Urban Chiks, Laurie Wisburn, vintage sheet scraps, and the hugely popular Swoon pattern just to name a few!  I will stuff a LARGE flat rate box full of goodies!  

To win, just leave one comment--maybe tell me your favorite fat quarter pattern (besides Swoon). 

FINE PRINT!  You must be:
1. an active blogger
2. a US resident
3.  You must promise to fill the box back up after you have taken out what you'd like to keep!

I will leave the giveaway open until 11pm on Friday, December 9th.  I will have the Random Number Generator choose my winner.  Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Oooh, maybe we can win each others giveaways!! How fun! Thanks for passing this along, it looks like SO much fun. I usually cut fat quarters up into smaller bits like squares for HSTs, etc. but I made the Oh! Fransson New Wave Quilt, which calls for FQs and it was awesome!

Angela said...

Hmm...I didn't even know swoon was made with fat quarters. lol. I'm working up a little bunting pattern that uses fat quarters well. I'm liking that. I should have it on my blog soon. And by soon I mean, One day it will be there. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just don't know my fav pattern. I am making a hopscotch quilt for my daughter using Free Spirit solid FQ's. Does that count??
This looks like so much fun! I promise to pass it along if I win!

Anonymous said...

Oh, dude. I am in love. I wish I had a favorite FQ pattern, but I'm more of a scrappy girl myself. HSTs, string quilts... those type of things. But you're not gonna DQ me for that, right? RIGHT???

Liz @ LivingMySweetLife said...

Oh I would loveeeee to win this! I am going to start a Single Girl quilt with a bunch of FQs. I have a huge bin of scraps I need to go through, I would love to be able to fill that box with some!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

This would be so much fun! My favorite fat quarter quilt is Short Line by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.

~Michelle~ said...

What a great idea for a giveaway - make it perpetual!! Honestly, as far as patterns go, I prefer the quick & easy turning twenty, especially since I have a love of large-scale prints.

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Wow, what a fun idea, I hadn't seen that before!! Love it! And as for a favorite fat quarter pattern, I don't think I've ever really made a quilt from fat quarters (I know, unbelievable, right??). But the Swoon quilt is definitely on my list of To Do's!

Caitlin said...

Awesome idea! I would love to play along :) I'm not sure I've made a pattern specifically designed for FQs either... but on my list of quilts to make is a rainbow/ticker tape/i spy compilation, so getting to rifle through someone else's fabrics would be great!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Ali said...

Um, you know I'm terrible at fabric requirements! I do love your Modified Bento that uses FQs. :)

Becky said...

One of my favorite patterns is called Sassy Sixteen. It uses 16 fat quarters. It's wonderful for a fat quarter bundle that I don't know what pattern to use.

Debbie said...

craziness! Never heard of such a thing but I love it!

Unknown said...

What an awesome idea! I'd love to play! But I can't think of a favorite FQ pattern.

Jennifer said...

I want to win this!! I've been following it! haha - I like the houndstooth pattern by v&co or flip side by rachel griffith!

Jackie's Stitches said...

What a wonderful idea! So many beautiful patterns out there; many fat quarter friendly. Right now I'd say the most challenging quilt I have on my quilting bucket list is Single Girl. I *really* want to make that one one day!

Elena said...

Oooh, how fun! I'd love to play! My fave fat quarter pattern is really any small bag pattern....frame purses, zipped pouches, small totes. I love practical beauty!

Miki Willa said...

I have been trying to win this for a while. Maybe this will be my lucky time.

Unknown said...

This is such a neat idea! I don't really have a favorite fat quarter pattern, per se... but I usually end up using them for pouches!

Jill said...

Honestly, I've never used a pattern other than for clothes! Ok, what a cool idea - if I win I'll totally pay it fwd, how fun!!

Lori said...

I don't know what my favorite FQ pattern would be... but I do know that this is an amazing idea!!! How fun, I would love to be a part of it!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I'm not one to use patterns, but I do love to collect and use fat quarters! Would love to have this box and share it's wonders and then refill.

Barbara said...

Oh gosh, I just love fat quarters.

sew and so much more said...

I just came from 12 hours of sewing and all the ladies there were making table runners that were FQ friendly. They took just 3 FQs and whatever you may like as a border (optional). You made five 9 patch blocks, cut three blocks apart into 4 squares, turn the corner two and sew them back together. The last two 9 patches are cut on the diagonal then you lay it out. Three blocks on point for the center....the remaining triangles to fill in the sides. Assemble. There were so many possibilities with this project and it looked so complicated and pieced but it was just a fun easy project.So many cute table runners were made today. I'm going to make one tomorrow...I was crocheting today :-)
I have a blog...not sure you'd call it super active...but I have one. I live in the USA maybe I can win? I promise to add some of my pins if I do!

**nicke... said...

i really loved allisons kaleidoscope pattern... it was easy peasy!

Unknown said...

What an awesome idea! I would love to win - and would certainly refill the box and send it back out! So fun!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I have a ton of new goodies that would love a new home!

CityHouseStudio said...

Love this idea, how fun!
I'd be happy to fill up the box!
I don't really have a favorite fat quarter pattern (except Swoon!) - I don't really pay that much attention to which patterns can be made with fat quarters or not!

Anonymous said...

I would love to get this box. You have filled it up with a lot of great items. I don't have a favorite FQ pattern, but I do love Swoon. Thanks for the chance.

Lyanna L. said...

Fun! I love this idea and would be overjoyed if I won! I don't have a favorite FQ pattern because I tend to just make up my own patterns but I'm open to trying new things =)

Jennadesigns said...

What a super fun idea! So far, my favorite fat quarter pattern is Anna from Noodlehead's gathered clutch. It's perfect to show off a great print (or two)! And she makes rockin patterns!

Melissa Corry said...

I don't know if I have ever done a fat quarter pattern. I always tend to lean towards layer cakes and jelly rolls :)

Katie said...

I can't think of a favorite fat quarter pattern. I love coming up with my own ideas too much.

PolkaDotClassic said...

Oh wow
I spy some DS fabric and the famous Swoon pattern
Oh how I wish it comes to my house to add some more goodies
Thank you for the chance

Anonymous said...

what a cool idea! i have no idea on a fat quarter pattern. I do love the swoon block though. :D

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I love that you donated some things from the box and refilled with some new and fresh things. I'm horrible with following patterns. I like to just wing it and see where I end up.

JanetK said...

Awesome! I would love a chance at a travelling stash! the only FQ patterns I've actually tried or plan to are Yellow Brick Road (easy and fun), New Waves (love!), and Bento Box. I usually cut the FQs up for other shapes not specific to a pattern... I'd love to try Seville from Cluck Cluck Sew too.

Marci Girl said...

I don't have a favorite fat quarter pattern, yet anyway. But what a wonderful idea and so cool of you to start fresh with a box full of awesomeness! I would so love to send it on full of goodies to someone else! Fun Fun!

Katie B said...

This is really fun! How about the Firecracker pattern by Jaybird Quilts? I think that one is pretty cool.

Sherry said...

I would love to win the Travelling Stash. . . it would be interesting to see what you put in the box.

Doris said...

Love this idea, I have some fun stuff I could add to this box!

Kelsey said...

I really like the Kaleidoscope from Cluck Cluck Sew! I keep meaning to buy it, but I need to save up to buy a bunch of FQs too!

Lisa said...

Fabulous idea! I've got lots of stuff I could add.. and of course I'd be happy to take.

Suzee said...

Oh this is a nice idea!!

Denise :) said...

Please, please count me in!! :)

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I don't seem to have a favorite fat quarter pattern. Each time I think I have a favorite I see and new one and it then becomes my favorite - loL! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway!

Heather said...

How fun! This is a great idea, and I love what you've added to the box :) Please throw my name in, I would love to contribute.

Bry said...

Oh goodness I have no idea what my fave fat quater pattern would be!! Although I do particularly love Tula Pinks cartwheels pattern from her plume line!

Debbie said...

oh!! I would love to take a look at the fabric that you added!

I can follow the rules- no problem :)

Tiffany said...

Would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway chance - and right now I'm digging Christmas fabric. Any kind, really. I love playing with it this time of year!!!

Karamat said...

What a cool idea!! I don't have a favorite FQ pattern, but I am waiting for the Sparkling Cider pattern to arrive (takes 20 FQs) and have my fabrics all picked out.

Hope I've made the cutoff... It's 10 till 11 here ;)

Lindsay Conner said...

I like cutting up my FQs into smaller bits (like another commenter) to make hexies, triangles, squares, anything! It's a great size to sample lots of different fabrics! What a good idea to modernize the traveling stash--someone is going to be able to swap out some great goodies!

Ella said...

Cool Idea. I'm going to go with Cluck Cluck Sew's Skipping Squares.

Jenelle said...

Right now I am making a quilt using bow-tie block that I just love the heck out of (so fun to make!). I am also really in love with the Cocoa and Carmel quilt pattern by Amanda Murphy Designs.

Amorette said...

i love this idea, it is so great! i don't have many followers, so they would have a good chance!

JuneBug said...

I love this idea of the traveling stash! I'd love it to stop by here - I have some great stuff to add to it.

Vesuviusmama said...

The Traveling Stash is an awesome idea! Hmmm, a favorite fat quarter pattern? I'm drawing a blank. I'm super scrappy, and right now, strings are my thing. Will that do?

Brita said...

This is such a great idea! And thanks for "updating" the contents -- want me some :-) And yes, I promise to refill the box with great stuff!

Linda Big D said...

I would love to win the traveling stash. I keep following it on it's journey! I have tons to add to it!

Melissa said...

What a great idea - my favorite Fat Quarter Pattern is Town Square by Amanda Murphy. I love that you donated to your quilting guild - another great way to spread the love of the traveling stash!

Tina M. said...

I would love to make some things for my daughter's baby doll with this staff. Thank you for the giveaway. Tina M yelowrozen at yahoo dot com

ylrbmk said...

When I first started into quilting, I bought a kit of fat quarters with the pattern Lucky Stars. I made the quilt from the kit, but my mom has made a baby quilt for a nephew and a 30's quilt for me using that pattern. What I like most about it is that there are so few points to match.

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