Two awesome things happened today! First off, I sold my Wonderland quilt on Etsy! How freakin' cool! No, my mom didn't buy it! A very nice lady who saw it on Flickr bought it. I was so surprised and excited!!!! I now have money in my fabric fund. Hubby says it's ok to spend my profits on more fabric--hooray, no guilt.....well, Angela will be disappointed when I fall off my fabric diet, but I'm too giddy to be ashamed!
Cherie picked my blog for a Leibster Award! The idea is that it is for blogs with "small" followings (less than 300), so it's been a fun week seeing all sorts of blogs that I wouldn't have ordinarily found. So, to pass it on, here are 3 blogs I think are worth visiting:
Jules is awesome! Check out her selvage quilt in progress--totally amazing!

She also makes great kids clothes, blankets, and baby items that she sells on etsy. As an added bonus, her husband writes a hilarious blog called Daddy Geek Boy.
Lisa is in a virtual quilting bee of mine and she participates in a lot of the same swaps. She was my mystery partner for Make Mine Modern the first round and made me a fantastic tote bag to put my beach blanket quilt in (our bee made the blocks). She has an incredible crafting area--I'm so jealous!
Jenny is yet another of my crazy talented Flickr friends! Check out this quilt

Need I say more?
I know I'm only supposed to do 3, but
Beth is pretty great too! She makes the MOST adorable baby shoes!!!!

Check her out on etsy here: