Not all of these scraps came from my own stash. I had to do a little swapping to round out my collection.....ok, a lot of swapping. There are just some colors (like purple) that I don't have a lot of. I love purple, but there isn't a lot of fabric out there in that color. Oh! I have a tip for you if you plan on making these blocks--do NOT stack the blocks on top of each other with the batting of one block touching the front of another block. YIKES! I had to lint roll a few blocks. Instead, stack the blocks with front sides facing.
Oh, and I was nominated by the awesome and talented Weekend-bag-maker Ali and the lovely and sweet Australian Jan-Maree for a Stylish Blogger Award. Nice, right? It's basically saying "Hey! I like your blog and think you're cool!" You're supposed to share 7 things about yourself and pass the honor along to other bloggers you enjoy. It's a great way to discover new blogs!
7 things about me:
1. I do not eat anything that comes from the ocean. Nada. I've tried it all and I hate all seafood. I can choke down some fried fish if it's heavily battered, but I don't like it.
2. I chew my hair absentmindedly. I don't know why. It's just habit. I'm doing it right now!
3. I have never broken a bone or had a nose bleed, but I accidentally stabbed scissors two inches into my leg when I was fourteen
4. My three favorite smells are coffee, bacon, and books. Now if only the Starbucks inside Barnes and Noble served bacon, I would never leave.
5. I have never played on a team sport outside of mandatory gym class.
6. I can stand completely straight, knees locked, with my feet pointing behind me.
7. I name my kids after characters in Nora Roberts' books
6 Blogs to check out
1. Lisa at Crafting My Way Through Life
2. Daddy Geek Boy this is the blog of a crafty friend's husband. So funny!!!!
3. Elizabeth at Don't Call Me Betsy
4. Michelle at I like orange too
5. Stefanie (who also sells fabulous stationery!) at My Name is Stefanie and I'm a Craftaholic
6. Kelly at SewKellySews
I'll leave it up to them whether they want to pass this along since these things come around a lot. :)
Your blocks are looking really great. I can't wait to see how the quilt comes together. Sometime I need to do a similar project. I'm such an impatient crafter... I like to have my projects complete so I can start on something else... I think a project like that would force me to slow down a bit.
Thanks so much for the shout-out! I will definitely play along.
Your rainbows blocks are looking beautiful! It's such a fun project.
And I'm with you on the seafood! Gross!
great job on the blocks! i love the fussy-cuts, especially the shoes! I love this quilt-along and really want to find the time to participate!
This blocks are great! Can I say how much I love the row of shoes?
Those are some crazy weird things about you, girl. Thanks for the shout-out for DGBs blog. You're a peach!
You are so sweet to think of me!! :) Thank you!!!
I love your Bottled Rainbow blocks so far, they look great! And I'm with you on the purple, I had to do some swapping to make mine work out too. I love your random factoids, they're hysterical! I think if Barnes & Nobles's Starbucks served bacon, they'd make way more money. :)
Okay, i'm with you about all things except the smell of bacon. Can't do it!
And I love how you say that you don't eat things from the ocean. I always weird people out because I say that I don't eat things from water. As soon as you say that you don't like seafood, they say "but what about ____". Yup...don't like it. ;)
and I think those shoes are my favorite part and I still plan on stealing that idea shamelessly for one of my blocks. I love seeing your blocks because I haven't done any of these colors yet! for the shout out!!! Your stuff is beautiful--for a non-cartoon, movie, non-geeky type of thing. :)
didn't read the blog except to look at the pics... am rectifying that before I comment...
OK. Glad I read that -- thank you for the laugh! :) And I can't believe that thing about your
Too bad bacon completely grosses me out right now... otherwise I'd be with you! :)
Oh... and I LOVE the blocks. love 'em, love 'em, love 'em.
Now I need to go make dinner... especially considering Steiger is on the tractor with Daddy, and I don't feel like puking (yea!). :)
#6 gives me the heeby-jeebies. And I've only made 1 Weekender Bag. One and done!
Love your blocks! Thanks for the shout out but I probably deserve the lazy blogger award. And it will only get worse as it only dawned on my last night that I need to move in 6 weeks and I haven't done a thing.
LOVE your blocks! I'm just in the process of sorting scraps. You gave me some good ideas.
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